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Do Parking Tickets Affect Insurance?


David Krug

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Parking tickets can have an effect on your car insurance, and it’s important to understand how. It’s a good idea to check with your insurance provider to find out exactly what their policy is when it comes to parking tickets, as it can vary from one company to another.

Parking tickets can increase your premiums

The most common way that parking tickets can affect your insurance is by increasing the amount you pay for your premiums. This is because insurance companies view parking tickets as an indication of irresponsible driving. They may assume that if you have multiple parking tickets, you are more likely to be involved in an accident or receive other citations while driving.

Parking tickets can result in coverage denials

In some cases, an insurance company may even choose to deny coverage, or increase your rates, if you have multiple parking tickets. This is because they may consider you to be a higher-risk driver, and therefore a greater liability to them.

It’s important to remember that not all insurance companies treat parking tickets the same. Some may not consider them at all when assessing your risk profile, while others may take them into account. It’s a good idea to check with your insurance provider to find out their specific policy when it comes to parking tickets.

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Parking tickets make you high risk

When it comes to understanding the effect of parking tickets on your car insurance, it’s important to look at the bigger picture. Insurance companies use a variety of factors to determine your risk profile, and it’s important to consider all of them when assessing your coverage. Even if you have multiple parking tickets, it’s still possible to get a good deal on car insurance if you have a good driving record, no accidents, and other favorable factors.

Parking tickets and legislation to protect you from higher rates

It’s also important to note that some states have laws in place to protect drivers from excessive insurance rates based on parking tickets. For example, in California, a driver’s car insurance rates cannot increase by more than 20 percent due to parking tickets within a three year period.

Overall, parking tickets can have an effect on your insurance, but it’s important to consider the full picture when assessing your risk profile. It’s best to check with your insurance provider to find out exactly what their policy is when it comes to parking tickets, as it can vary from one company to another.

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